Russian speaking professionals network

For Russian speaking professionals, INT Services in Vlaardingen has created a network in the Netherlands. We designed this platform to discuss topics of interest to you and to stimulate business and information exchange between Russian, English, and Dutch residents of the Netherlands. We have planned networking meetings for specialists in various fields. We organise these meetings in our office, and they are free of charge. If you want to present your company and talk about your business during the meeting, please let us know and we will happily give you the opportunity to speak at the next network meeting for Russian speaking professionals.

Бухгалтерские услуги Нидерланды, Голландия

Russian speaking professionals do not want to miss our network event

Getting to know new people and strengthening existing relationships – what could be more beautiful! The French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: “The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication.” You can constantly expand your network of useful contacts. One way to achieve this, is to attend networking events. At our accounting firm, we organise specialised thematic meetings for Russian speaking professionals held exclusively to establish new acquaintances and expand their network. Any business event – conference, forum, congress, or specialised exhibition – is an opportunity to expand your network of contacts.

Expand your network

Do you want to expand your network and get to know more Russian speaking professionals? Or do you want to apply for one of our courses, such as our cost accounting course? We provide a wide range of courses and other courses about different topics that can be of interest to you, such as our bookkeeper course. To apply for our network for Russian speaking professionals, fill in the form below. Do you have any questions? Please contact us by calling + 31 8 520 86 592.

To send us a request, fill in the form below.

If you have any questions, contact us on:

+ 31 8 520 86 592

We will contact you within 24 hours.